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Text Formatting

{{inline code - monospace font}}inline code - monospace font 
@@block code - [WikiMarkup] is ignored@@
block code - [WikiMarkup] is ignored


Horizontal ruler
[MainPage|MainPage] or [MainPage|my link]MainPage or my link 
[++Dev.MainPage] or [++Dev.MainPage|my link in another namespace] or [++MainPage|root]Dev.MainPage or my link in another namespace or rootAdd ++ to the link for linking to another namespace, including the root
[] or [|ScrewTurn Wiki] or ScrewTurn Wiki 
[] or [|contact us] or  
[c:Help.Wiki] or [c:Help.Wiki|Pages of category 'Wiki']Help.Wiki or Pages of category 'Wiki'Links to a category








{t:PageToTransclude} Displays the content of PageToTransclude from the same namespace, in-place
{t:OtherNS.PageToTransclude} Displays the content of PageToTransclude from namespace OtherNS, in-place (prepend page name with ++ to transclude a page from the root namespace)
>>> Namespace.PageName Redirects to Namespace.PageName
~~~~Dario Solera, 2009/11/10 10:01Adds a signature for the user who made the change
Wraps content in a box
: Indentation
Each ':' sign at the beginning of a line indents content one level


You can create an unordered or ordered lists using * and # characters, for example:

* List element
* Another element,
which continues on a new line
* A third element

  • List element
  • Another element,
    which continues on a new line
  • A third element

Always keep an empty line after a list
# List element
# Another element,
which continues on a new line
# A third element

  1. List element
  2. Another element,
    which continues on a new line
  3. A third element

Always keep an empty line after a list
* List element
*# Sub-element,
which continues on a new line
*# Still a sub-list
* A third element

  • List element
    1. Sub-element,
      which continues on a new line
    2. Still a sub-list
  • A third element

You can combine * and #


You can create tables using a simple markup.

| Cell 1.1
| Cell 1.2
| Cell 2.1
| Cell 2.2
Cell 1.1 Cell 1.2
Cell 2.1 Cell 2.2
| Cell 1.1 || Cell 1.2
| Cell 2.1 || Cell 2.2
Cell 1.1Cell 1.2
Cell 2.1Cell 2.2
|+ This is a Table
| Cell 1.1 || Cell 1.2
| Cell 2.1 || Cell 2.2
This is a Table
Cell 1.1Cell 1.2
Cell 2.1Cell 2.2
! Cells x.1 !! Cells x.2
| Cell 1.1 || Cell 1.2
| Cell 2.1 || Cell 2.2
Cells x.1Cells x.2
Cell 1.1Cell 1.2
Cell 2.1Cell 2.2
{| border="1" bgcolor="Gray"
| Cell 1.1 || Cell 1.2
| Cell 2.1 || Cell 2.2
Cell 1.1Cell 1.2
Cell 2.1Cell 2.2
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="1"
|- style="background-color: Red; color: White;"
| Cell 1.1 || Cell 1.2
|- style="font-weight: bold;"
| Cell 2.1 || Cell 2.2
Cell 1.1Cell 1.2
Cell 2.1Cell 2.2
| bgcolor="Blue" | Styled Cell
| Normal cell
| Normal cell
| bgcolor="Yellow" | Styled cell
Styled CellNormal cell
Normal cell Styled cell
| colspan="2" bgcolor="Red" | Cell
| Cell || Cell
| rowspan="2" bgcolor="Red" | Cell
| Cell
| Cell
{| align="right" border="1"
| Cell || Cell
{| style="margin: 0px auto;" border="1"
| Cell || Cell
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" style="background-color: #EEEEEE;"
|+ Styled Table
|- style="background-color: #990000; color: #FFFFFF;"
| This is a cell || This is a cell || This is a cell
| style="background-color: #000000; color: #CCCCCC;" | Styled cell
| style="border: solid 1px #FF0000;" | Styled cell
| '''Normal cell'''
| Normal || Normal || [Download]
Styled Table
This is a cellThis is a cellThis is a cell
Styled cellStyled cellNormal cell

File Links and Pictures

[{UP}/v3Site/Grass.png|download image]download image 
[{UP(Help.WikiMarkup)}SamplePicture.jpg|download attachment]download attachmentHelp.WikiMarkup is the full name of this page and the SamplePicture.jpg file is an attachment of this page

Displaying Pictures

Sample Picture Caption

Sample Picture Caption

[imageright|Sample Picture Caption|{UP(Help.WikiMarkup)}SamplePicture-Small.jpg|{UP(Help.WikiMarkup)}SamplePicture.jpg] generates:

imageleft aligns the image on the left; imageauto sets no alignment; image produces no border nor caption.

The caption is optional, as well as the link ({UP(Help.WikiMarkup)}SamplePicture.jpg in the example above). The link can be any type of link (page, URL, email, file/attachment, etc.).

Special Tags

All Special Tags are case insensitive.

{WikiTitle}Jova wikiTitle of this wiki
{Top}TopLink to the top of the page
{TOC} Table of Contents of the current page
{ThemePath}Themes/jovall/Path of the current theme
{RSSPage}RSSURL of the RSS Page
{WikiVersion} of ScrewTurn Wiki
{MainURL} of the wiki
{PageCount}103Number of pages in the current namespace
{PageCount(*)}137Number of pages in the entire wiki
{Username}GuestUsername of the current user, if any
{LoginLogout}LoginLogin/Logout link, according to the current session
{Cloud}arbete fp kontakter private säkerhet utbildning webbPage categories cloud
{PageName}wiki-markupName of the current page
{Namespace}<root>Current namespace
{NamespaceDropDown}Drop-down list of namespaces
{NamespaceList}List of namespaces
{Orphans}List of pages that have no incoming links
{Wanted}Lists of pages that need to be created
{Incoming}List of pages that link the current page
{Outgoing}List of pages linked in the current page
2019/09/05 13:47Jovall updated the page Använda LastInsertId.
2019/09/05 13:07Jovall updated the page Databasrelaterat.
2018/12/21 13:53Jovall updated the page Trafik.
2018/04/11 01:15Jovall updated the page Systemverktyg med mera.
2017/09/16 11:40Jovall updated the page Trafik.
2015/08/21 16:47Jovall updated the page Trafik.
2015/04/25 12:25Jovall updated the page Programmeringsresurser.
2014/06/14 18:11Jovall updated the page Programlänkar.
2014/06/14 17:09Jovall updated the page Programlänkar.
2014/05/27 17:51Jovall updated the page Webbdesign.
2014/05/26 22:16Jovall updated the page Webbdesign.
2014/03/18 15:19Jovall updated the page Objects in Javascript - Objekt i Javaskript.
2014/03/13 14:21Jovall updated the page Objects in Javascript - Objekt i Javaskript.
2014/03/13 14:20Jovall updated the page Javascript guide.
2014/03/13 14:18Jovall updated the page Javascript.
2014/03/04 15:17Jovall updated the page Javascript.
2014/02/27 16:08Jovall updated the page Webbdesign.
2014/02/25 18:06Jovall updated the page Webbdesign.
2014/02/07 16:08Jovall updated the page Arbete etc.
2013/12/26 17:05Jovall updated the page Security.
2013/12/20 17:23Jovall updated the page Programmeringsresurser.
2013/12/20 16:55Jovall updated the page PHP.
2013/12/20 16:54Jovall updated the page Programmeringsresurser.
2013/12/11 16:22Jovall updated the page Visualization.
2013/12/11 15:07Jovall updated the page Programmeringsresurser.
List of recent changes made in the current namespace
2019/09/05 13:47Jovall updated the page Använda LastInsertId.
2019/09/05 13:07Jovall updated the page Databasrelaterat.
2018/12/21 13:53Jovall updated the page Trafik.
2018/04/11 01:15Jovall updated the page Systemverktyg med mera.
2017/09/16 11:40Jovall updated the page Trafik.
2015/10/08 09:49Jovall updated the page Wordpress.
2015/09/11 13:27Jovall updated the page WP tricks.
2015/09/11 13:25Jovall updated the page Tips and tricks.
2015/09/11 13:23Jovall updated the page WP tricks.
2015/09/06 17:33Jovall updated the page Wordpress.
2015/08/21 16:47Jovall updated the page Trafik.
2015/04/25 12:25Jovall updated the page Programmeringsresurser.
2014/06/14 18:11Jovall updated the page Programlänkar.
2014/06/14 17:09Jovall updated the page Programlänkar.
2014/05/27 17:51Jovall updated the page Webbdesign.
2014/05/26 22:16Jovall updated the page Webbdesign.
2014/03/18 15:19Jovall updated the page Objects in Javascript - Objekt i Javaskript.
2014/03/13 14:21Jovall updated the page Objects in Javascript - Objekt i Javaskript.
2014/03/13 14:20Jovall updated the page Javascript guide.
2014/03/13 14:18Jovall updated the page Javascript.
2014/03/04 15:17Jovall updated the page Javascript.
2014/02/27 16:08Jovall updated the page Webbdesign.
2014/02/25 18:06Jovall updated the page Webbdesign.
2014/02/07 16:08Jovall updated the page Arbete etc.
2014/01/15 08:34Jovall updated the page wpse.
List of recent changes made in the entire wiki

Escaping Content

There are two ways to escape content that is usually interpreted by the WikiMarkup formatter.

This will simply ignore any WikiMarkup wrapped in it:

<nowiki>[this would be a link]</nowiki> results in [this would be a link]

This will escape all special characters, so they are displayed on the screen:

<esc><b>some HTML</b></esc> results in <b>some HTML</b>

This will ignore any new-line wrapped in it:

<nobr>some content

and then some more</nobr>

results in

some content and then some more

Jova wiki is © Jovall