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This search, performed through 569.88 KB (135 documents, 6810 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 8 results.

Tips and tricks — 12.4%

[...] Smith wrote: >>1) I'm working on a small plugin that requires an additional database >>table. Currently I'm using a query like >> >>SHOW TABLES LIKE 'wp_mytable' > > Here's what I do in my subscribe2 plugin, which uses a custom table: > /////////////////////// > function s2_install() { > // include upgrade-functions for maybe_create_table; > if (! function_exists('maybe_create_table')) { > require_once(ABSPATH [...]

Wordpress — 10.2%

Tutorials Introduction to pages in Wordpress Creating child themes Anatomy of a plug-in from 2006 (use settings API instead). Localising and Translating Wordpress (Urban Giraffe) Languages in Wordpress Generating_language_files Adding an admin menu The Settings API explained Using the settings-API for theme options by Chip Bennett Using the settings-API for theme options by Sarah Neuber Using the settings-API for theme options by Alison Bennet Complete guide to the settings API by Tom McFarlin. [...]

Moving a Wordpress site — 2.8%

Plug-ins Wordpress Move plug-in Duplicator to clone your WP-site. X-cloner to clone your site. Tutorials Moving Wordpress [...]

Navigation menues — 2.3%

Short tutorials Custom Nav Menu Walker for WordPress Themes from bitacre network. Clean-up Classes and Add Page Names as IDs (Aaron T Grogg) and the plugin List All Posts In WordPress Navigation Menu (codeseekah) Gecka submenu Advanced Navigation Menus Wordpress documentation wp_nav_menu wp_get_nav_menu_items qTranslate: How to use nav_menu_item post type? [...]

Useful plug-ins — 1.7%

Database related HyperDB for advanced database use in Wordpress. Internationalisation qTranslate for multilingual support. Roles and Capabilities The User role editor by Garagulya, and its Wordpress plug-in page . Members by Justin Tadlock. Role [...]

Plugin development checklist — 1.1%

[...] plugin ( directory name ). Add the header text as needed to this file Plugin name Language Description version possibly links to plugin and its author Add an uninstall.php file to clear all traces of your plugin when being uninstalled. Include a license text if needed Directly after the header in the plugin php-file. Create activation function If needed, verify correct version [...]

Language support in Wordpress — 1.1%

Plugins Adding a language file for a plugin uses the function load_plugin_textdomain( $domain, $abs_rel_path = false, $plugin_rel_path = false ) where $domain is the domain name used in gettext functions like __() or _e() . The language file (.mo file) has to use the domain name followed by the language [...]

Wordpress — 1.1%

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